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Bolt Action: Flak Bunker

20,70 €*

% 24,00 €* (13.75% vom UVP gespart)

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Produktnummer: 2100000004737
Artikel: "Bolt Action: Flak Bunker"

This Flak Bunker is based on the R677 bunker template with dual purpose anti-tank and anti-aircraft capability. Commonly house either 7.5cm anti-tank guns and light anti-aircraft guns such as the 2cm, 3.7cm and quad 2cm flak guns they provided deadly firepower capable of striking invaders as they landed as well, at sea and protection from Allied air attack.

The Atlantic Wall on the coastal areas of North West Europe was ringed by hundreds of these dual-purpose bunkers amongst many other types, providing a fearsome barrier for the invading British, Canadian and US troops to breach during the Normandy landings on D-Day...

This plastic kit contains one hard plastic R677-style bunker. In addition to a removable roof to allow access to your figures, the rear doors are fully openable allowing defenders to sally forth or assaulting troops to attempt to crack open this heavy defence!

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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Bolt Action: Flak Bunker
This Flak Bunker is based on the R677 bunker template with dual purpose anti-tank and anti-aircraft capability. Commonly house either 7.5cm anti-tank guns and light anti-aircraft guns such as the 2cm, 3.7cm and quad 2cm flak guns they provided deadly firepower capable of striking invaders as they landed as well, at sea and protection from Allied air attack.The Atlantic Wall on the coastal areas of North West Europe was ringed by hundreds of these dual-purpose bunkers amongst many other types, providing a fearsome barrier for the invading British, Canadian and US troops to breach during the Normandy landings on D-Day...This plastic kit contains one hard plastic R677-style bunker. In addition to a removable roof to allow access to your figures, the rear doors are fully openable allowing defenders to sally forth or assaulting troops to attempt to crack open this heavy defence!Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
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