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Sherman Crocodile Flamethrower Tank

34,80 €*

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Produktnummer: 2100000004218
Artikel: "Sherman Crocodile Flamethrower Tank"

Inspired by the powerful British Churchill Crocodile and their own experiences in the Pacific with other versions of flamethrower tanks the US army ordered some 100 Sherman Crocodile variants from the British, who were recognised as leading the field in Flamethrower technology.

Based on the M4A4 (Sherman V) welded hull the Crocodile retained full operation of its turret and 75mm gun and bow-mounted .30 Cal (7.62mm) machine gun. The flame gun was placed above the Bow Machinegunners hatch. All of the flamethrowing equipment was positioned externally, including the iconic wheeled trailer.

The trailer weighed 6.5 tons and was protected by 12mm (0.47 in) thick armour. A special joint connector known as “The Link” (made up of 3 articulated joints allowing it to move up, down, left or right and swivel on the horizontal axis) allowed it manoeuvre through rough terrain. This link could also be released from inside the crew compartment in case of an emergency, a great design attribute as the trailer carried 400 gallons (1818 litres) of flamethrower liquid and 5 compressed bottles of Nitrogen (N₂) gas!

The flamer worked by using Nitrogen gas to propel the fuel along a pipe running from the rear of the tank, up and along the right flank, to a flame projector mounted on the right upper glacis. The co-driver/bow machine gunner would then operated the flamethrower or his machine gun.

Of the initial order, only 3 M4A4 Crocodiles were actually made and along with a fourth, the prototype M4A2 (Sherman III), seeing action with the 739th Tank Battalion (Special Mine Exploder Unit). They were sent in February 1945 to take part in Operation: Grenade, the assault on the ancient 13th-century citadel in Julich, Germany. Helping demolish the garrison of the old citadel.

There were other flamethrower tank variants used with standard gun Shermans in Europe. Using either the E4-5 or ESR1 Auxiliary Flamethrower that replaced the bow machine gun or the H1 Periscope Mount Flame Thrower, again over the Bow machine gun position. More famously used in battle on Iwo Jima were the main armament flamethrower version that replaced the main gun, known as the M4 POA-CWS H1 (POA-CWS: Pacific Ocean Area-Chemical Warfare Service) built mainly on the M4A3 Sherman.

In Bolt Action

The Sherman Crocodile is a powerful adversary and ideal for advancing alongside your hand-picked assault troops as the advance on enemy strong points.

Cost:130pts (Inexperienced), 165pts (Regular), 200pts (Veteran)
Weapons:1 gyro-stabilised turret-mounted medium anti-tank gun with co-axial MMG, 1 forward facing hull-mounted MMG, 1 forward facing hull-mounted flamethrower
Damage Value:9+ (medium tank)
May add a pintle-mounted HMG on the turret for +25pts.
May cancel the ‘Easily catches fire’ rule for +10pts
Special Rules:
Easily catches fire: if a roll on the vehicle damage table results in the vehicle catching fire add D3 pin markers rather than just 1 before taking a morale test.
HE: instead of causing D2 HE hits, an HE shell causes D6 hits
Busy crew: you can either fire the hull-mounted MMG, or the hull-mounted flamethrower, but not both in the same turn
Volatile: extra fuel tanks make each tank a potential fireball. Flame-throwing vehicles are more likely to be destroyed by damage, as explained on page 51 of the rulebook
Slow: the Sherman Crocodile is Slow as it tows the fuel on a trailer – its move is reduced to 6” advance and 12” run


  • One 1/56 scale hard plastic, resin and metal WWII M4A2 Sherman Crocodile flamethrower tank
  • Bolt Action stat card
  • Full-colour waterslide decal sheet
  • Construction leaflet
  • Damage markers

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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93,90 €* 112,00 €* (16.16% vom UVP gespart)
- 17%
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24,90 €* 30,00 €* (17% vom UVP gespart)
- 16.82%
US Airborne Bazooka & light mortar teams (1944-45)
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9,15 €* 11,00 €* (16.82% vom UVP gespart)
- 16.9%
Bolt Action: Allied Star D6 pack
Dieses Würfelset enthält 16 olivgrüne Würfel mit weißen Beschriftungen, wobei das berühmte Symbol des Alliierte-Sterns die Zahl 6 auf den Würfeln ersetzt!
12,05 €* 14,50 €* (16.9% vom UVP gespart)
- 16.99%
US Airborne Starter Army
Das US Airborne Starter Army Set bietet eine umfassende Grundlage, um mit den Elitekräften der US-Luftlandetruppen zu beginnen. Ausgerüstet mit den M-43 Fallschirmjägeruniformen, die 1944 eingeführt wurden, sind diese Figuren ideal für Einsätze während der Operation Market Garden, der Befreiung Westeuropas, dem Überqueren des Rheins und dem finalen Vorstoß ins deutsche Heimatland.Ob du sie als Teil der 101. „Screaming Eagles“, 82. „All American“, 17. „Thunder from Heaven“ oder 13. „Golden Unicorns“ Luftlandedivision aufstellen möchtest, diese Startertruppe basiert auf einer starken Kernformation aus erfahrenen Fallschirmjägern und wichtigen Unterstützungsteams, die in der Lage sind, sich gegen nahezu alle Gegner zu behaupten.Inhalt des US Airborne Starter Army Sets:36x US Airborne Infanterie (Plastik)4x US Airborne HQ-Figuren (Metall)1x US Airborne .50 Cal HMG-Team (Metall)1x US Airborne mittleres Mörser-Team (Metall)1x US Airborne 57mm Panzerabwehrgeschütz (Metall)MontageanleitungenFarbige DecalsPlastikbasenHinweis: Modelle werden unmontiert und unbemalt geliefert.
68,90 €* 83,00 €* (16.99% vom UVP gespart)

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Battle of the Bulge Starterset (englisch)
Embark on an immersive journey into the heart of World War II with the Bolt Action: Third Edition Starter Bundle! This comprehensive bundle is the perfect way to dive into the world of Bolt Action, the acclaimed wargame that brings the intense battles of WWII to life. Featuring the exciting Battle of the Bulge starter set and the complete Third Edition Rulebook, you'll have everything you need to get started and command your forces through the snowy landscapes of one of history's most iconic battles.What's in the Bundle?1. Bolt Action: Third Edition Rulebook (with Special Miniature)The Third Edition of Bolt Action brings an updated, streamlined rule set designed to enhance your gameplay experience. The hardback rulebook comes with a special miniature, a collectible item for any dedicated Bolt Action enthusiast. With easy-to-follow rules, this book will guide you through fast-paced and engaging WWII skirmishes.2. Battle of the Bulge Starter SetRelive the icy and brutal clash between the dogged US Army infantry and the veteran German Fallschirmjäger paratroopers in the frozen forests of the Ardennes. This starter set provides everything you need to begin playing Bolt Action, including troops, vehicles, and terrain, allowing you to recreate the epic Battle of the Bulge.Inside this set, you'll find:Bolt Action A5 Softback Rulebook – A portable version of the core rulebook, perfect for quick reference during games.Battle of the Bulge Scenario & Assembly Booklet – A step-by-step guide to setting up your games, along with detailed assembly instructions for your miniatures.24 US Winter Army Infantry Miniatures – Hard-bitten American troops dressed in winter gear, ready to take on the Axis forces.18 German Fallschirmjäger Paratrooper Miniatures – Elite German paratroopers, perfectly sculpted and designed for winter warfare scenarios.M8 Greyhound Armored Car – Assemble this plastic kit as either the M8 Greyhound or the M20 Scout Car, a crucial asset for the US Army.Ruined Farmhouse Terrain – A detailed plastic model of a ruined farmhouse, providing cover for your troops as they battle in the cold, devastated landscape.Waterslide Decal Sheet – Customize your vehicles and troops with authentic WWII decals.Stat Card for the M8 Greyhound/M20 Scout Car – All the essential information to bring your armored car into action.Vehicle Damage Markers – Keep track of damage to your vehicles during intense battles.Plastic Bolt Action Templates & Tokens – Essential gaming tools, including templates for artillery fire and movement.Plastic Pin Markers – Track the suppression and morale of your units with these markers.10 Six-sided Dice – The dice you'll need to determine the outcomes of your actions.8 Bolt Action Order Dice – Used to issue orders to your units and control the flow of battle.Why Start with Battle of the Bulge?The Battle of the Bulge starter set offers the perfect entry point for both new players and veterans of Bolt Action. With its winter-themed miniatures and terrain, this set not only introduces you to the basics of the game but also provides a thematic and visually striking setting for your early battles. Whether you command the determined US infantry or the seasoned German Fallschirmjäger, every game is a tense, strategic contest for survival and victory in the frozen forests of the Ardennes.Once you've mastered the scenarios in this box, you'll be ready to expand your army, explore additional campaigns, and immerse yourself fully in the tactical depth and excitement of Bolt Action.
93,90 €* 112,00 €* (16.16% vom UVP gespart)