In the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, the Space Marines stand as Humanity’s ultimate warriors, genetically enhanced to protect the Imperium and crush its foes. Known formally as the Adeptus Astartes, these superhuman soldiers have defended the Imperium for over ten thousand years. Clad in the finest armour and wielding the most lethal weapons the Imperium can offer, the Space Marines combine immense strength, agility, and resilience with unwavering courage in the face of the most monstrous threats in the galaxy.
Each Space Marine belongs to a Chapter, a brotherhood of warriors that deploys strike forces across the galaxy. Supported by powerful vehicles, tanks, walkers, and artillery, these elite soldiers execute lightning assaults with unmatched speed and precision. They are the Emperor’s vengeance made flesh, feared throughout the galaxy as the Angels of Death.
Codex: Space Marines is an essential guide for any collector of the Adeptus Astartes, offering all the rules needed to lead a Space Marines army in games of Warhammer 40,000 – from intense narrative Crusade campaigns to fast-paced Combat Patrol skirmishes. Inside, you will discover extensive background material and incredible artwork that delves into the creation, warfare, and heraldry of the Space Marines, as well as the wide array of Chapters that populate the galaxy.
Within this 216-page hardback book, you'll find:
- Comprehensive background information about the Imperium's Space Marines, from their genetic augmentation to the legendary deeds of renowned Chapters.
- Stunning artwork depicting the Adeptus Astartes in fierce combat against innumerable foes.
- 93 datasheets that detail the profiles, wargear, and unique abilities of every Space Marine unit, from fresh Scouts to mighty Dreadnoughts.
- Seven themed Detachments, such as the Anvil Siege Force and Vanguard Spearhead, each with its own unique set of rules.
- Crusade rules that let your heroes fulfil mighty oaths and earn honour and glory as they vanquish the enemies of Humanity.
- Self-contained Combat Patrol rules and a painting guide, enabling you to engage in quick games with Strike Force Octavius.
- An 'Eavy Metal' showcase featuring a wide variety of expertly painted Space Marine Chapters, designed to inspire your own creations.
Additionally, this book includes a one-use code to unlock Codex: Space Marines content within Warhammer 40,000: The App.
Prepare to lead the galaxy’s most formidable warriors into battle and strike terror into the hearts of the Emperor’s foes with the might of the Space Marines!
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