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The Longest Day: D-Day Battle Set

240,90 €*

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Artikel: "The Longest Day: D-Day Battle Set"

Years of planning culminate in The Longest Day, the long-awaited invasion begins with the assault on the beaches of Normandy; D-Day 6th June 1944...

The longest day

Normandy, 6 June 1944. The Allies undertake the largest and most ambitious amphibious landings in history to return the fight to western Europe.

Re-create the turning point of the war, that allowed the Allies to gain a foothold in Europe and which was to set the stage for the Axis downfall.

This set contains:

  • 2x LCVP landing craft
  • 1x AT/Flak bunker
  • 1x Coastal Defence bunker
  • 2x German Pak 40 ATG (for inside the bunkers)
  • Craters/shell holes
  • 1x Duplex Drive Sherman with lowered screens
  • 32x plastic US Infantry
  • 16x plastic German Grenadiers
  • 2x MG 42 MMG teams
  • 4x US Army casualties
  • 2x US Engineers carrying Bangalore torpedoes
  • 2x MMG sandbag emplacements
  • Set of battlefield accessories
  • 2m of barbed wire

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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- 16.16%
Battle of the Bulge Starterset englisch
Embark on an immersive journey into the heart of World War II with the Bolt Action: Third Edition Starter Bundle! This comprehensive bundle is the perfect way to dive into the world of Bolt Action, the acclaimed wargame that brings the intense battles of WWII to life. Featuring the exciting Battle of the Bulge starter set and the complete Third Edition Rulebook, you'll have everything you need to get started and command your forces through the snowy landscapes of one of history's most iconic battles.What's in the Bundle?1. Bolt Action: Third Edition Rulebook (with Special Miniature)The Third Edition of Bolt Action brings an updated, streamlined rule set designed to enhance your gameplay experience. The hardback rulebook comes with a special miniature, a collectible item for any dedicated Bolt Action enthusiast. With easy-to-follow rules, this book will guide you through fast-paced and engaging WWII skirmishes.2. Battle of the Bulge Starter SetRelive the icy and brutal clash between the dogged US Army infantry and the veteran German Fallschirmjäger paratroopers in the frozen forests of the Ardennes. This starter set provides everything you need to begin playing Bolt Action, including troops, vehicles, and terrain, allowing you to recreate the epic Battle of the Bulge.Inside this set, you'll find:Bolt Action A5 Softback Rulebook – A portable version of the core rulebook, perfect for quick reference during games.Battle of the Bulge Scenario & Assembly Booklet – A step-by-step guide to setting up your games, along with detailed assembly instructions for your miniatures.24 US Winter Army Infantry Miniatures – Hard-bitten American troops dressed in winter gear, ready to take on the Axis forces.18 German Fallschirmjäger Paratrooper Miniatures – Elite German paratroopers, perfectly sculpted and designed for winter warfare scenarios.M8 Greyhound Armored Car – Assemble this plastic kit as either the M8 Greyhound or the M20 Scout Car, a crucial asset for the US Army.Ruined Farmhouse Terrain – A detailed plastic model of a ruined farmhouse, providing cover for your troops as they battle in the cold, devastated landscape.Waterslide Decal Sheet – Customize your vehicles and troops with authentic WWII decals.Stat Card for the M8 Greyhound/M20 Scout Car – All the essential information to bring your armored car into action.Vehicle Damage Markers – Keep track of damage to your vehicles during intense battles.Plastic Bolt Action Templates & Tokens – Essential gaming tools, including templates for artillery fire and movement.Plastic Pin Markers – Track the suppression and morale of your units with these markers.10 Six-sided Dice – The dice you'll need to determine the outcomes of your actions.8 Bolt Action Order Dice – Used to issue orders to your units and control the flow of battle.Why Start with Battle of the Bulge?The Battle of the Bulge starter set offers the perfect entry point for both new players and veterans of Bolt Action. With its winter-themed miniatures and terrain, this set not only introduces you to the basics of the game but also provides a thematic and visually striking setting for your early battles. Whether you command the determined US infantry or the seasoned German Fallschirmjäger, every game is a tense, strategic contest for survival and victory in the frozen forests of the Ardennes.Once you've mastered the scenarios in this box, you'll be ready to expand your army, explore additional campaigns, and immerse yourself fully in the tactical depth and excitement of Bolt Action.
93,90 €* 112,00 €* (16.16% vom UVP gespart)
The Panzerjäger Tiger Ausf. B, known as the Jagdtiger (hunting tiger) was the heaviest tank ever to see action during World War Two. Developed late in the conflict, only around 80 actually reached combat, the first in September of 1944.Germany, like many nations, made use of existing tank designs to make self-propelled guns and tank destroyers. The Jagdtiger was a colossal example of this practice – the Germans wanted to upgrade the much-feared Tiger II by mounting the 128mm Pak 44 cannon into a purpose-built armoured casement atop the lengthened King Tiger Chassis. 150 units were ordered to tackle the ever-encroaching Soviet armour – the Pak more than capable of tearing through Allied armour.At 71 tons, the behemoth had nearly 10 inches of armour to the front of its casement housing, making it one of the most well protected tanks of the war. However, all this weight and protection came at the cost of reliability. Many roads and bridges simply couldn’t take its weight. This, coupled with the increasing scarcity of spare parts and fuel, kept the Jagdtiger from fulfilling its potential.The 'teeth' of the Jagdtiger, was the 128mm PaK 44 anti-tank gun. Noted for its weapon's performance at long ranges, the Jagdtiger was rightly feared. However, the limited traverse of the gun meant the tank had to turn on the spot to bring the enemy into its sights and the two-part ammunition required extra crew to load. To represent this in Bolt Action, the 128mm Pak 44 does not suffer from -1 penetration penalty when firing at targets at over half range.Only two German schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung (heavy anti-tank battalions) included Jagdtigers, the 512th Heavy Panzerjäger Battalion and the 653rd Heavy Panzerjäger Battalion. A company of the 512th was commanded by renowned Panzer Ace, Otto Carius, credited with the destruction of more than 150 tanks and a similar number of anti-tank guns – he would earn the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. The included waterslide transfer sheet features Carius’ decals.Box contains one plastic tank, unit stat card, vehicle damage markers and waterslide decal sheet.Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
30,60 €*
Gebirgsjager squad
Specialist training bred hardened fighters and the Gebirgsjäger (mountain infantry) were regarded as elite alongside Fallschirmjager. Gebirgsjäger originated from the Alpenkorps of WWI, where they were used to defend the mountain passes from their Italian equivalent, Alpini.Their symbol was the edelweiss, a flower that they also traditionally wore in their caps and collars, adopted in 1907 it eventually became the universal emblem worn by all mountain troops. The flower only grows at higher altitudes and means "noble purity."Specially trained to operate in mountainous and other difficult terrain and extreme climatic conditions, Gebirgsjäger divisions were used in virtually every theatre from Poland, Norway, Africa, Crete and the Balkans, and Soviet Russia throughout the war.As the Allied forces pushed ever onward toward the German homeland, Gebirgsjäger would often fight alongside regular infantry. Particularly in the final months of the war, when the quality of new conscripts was poor, Gebirgsjäger would often be relied upon to defend strategically critical areas.In Bolt ActionThese elite troops are classed as Veterans, 1 NCO and 4 men armed with rifles start at 65 points.Options include the usual submachine guns for the NCO and 1 man, or a light machine gun upgrade for 1 man and a loader. Add on 5 further men, Anti tank Grenades, and/or skis and they really start giving you a very hard hitting and mobile force for winter themed battles. The Skis special rule is a great extra, allowing them to ignore movement penalties on snow and other winter conditions!Rules for the Gebirgsjager squad can be found in the Armies of Germany bookContains: 10 finely detailed metal modelsModels supplied unassembled and unpainted
27,00 €*
Panzer 38(t)
Most commonly known as the Panzer 38(t), this light tank was originally a Czech design – the LT vz. 38 – which fell under the Third Reich's control when Germany occupied Czechoslovakia in 1938. The 't' in its designation relates to the German for Czech – tschechisch.This box set contains:One hard plastic Panzer 38(t)A quick reference Bolt Action Stat cardA set of damage markersA Full-coloured waterslide decal sheetA detailed construction leafletWell-liked by its crews for its dependability and ease of repair, over 1,400 38(t)s were produced and saw active service for Germany during the invasion of Poland, the Battle for France and on the Eastern Front.Its light weight made it ideal for use as a fast attack or reconnaissance vehicle. With its armament being considered too light against the increasingly heavier enemy vehicles, manufacture of the 38(t) ceased in 1942. It would continue to serve for the rest of the war both with German and Hungarian, Romanian and Bulgarian militaries (the waterslide decal sheet included allows for variants of each of these nations to be built).The reliable 38(t) would continue to serve the Wehrmacht well by providing the basis for several highly successful variants such as the Hetzer and Marder tank destroyers, as well as flakpanzers.Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
22,50 €*
Kriegsmarine Squad
The men of the Kriegsmarine were often asked to do more than serve at sea. U-Boat and ship crews could be found in land actions in many theatres, wearing their trademark blue sailor’s uniforms or the grey-blue U-Boat leathers as they took the fight to the enemy.The German Navy (or Kriegsmarine) had the peculiar battle honour of being involved in the first action of WW2 and also its last.Infantry units of the navy, equipped with Wehrmacht weaponry and wearing their trademark dark blue uniforms and steel helmets, assaulted the Polish port of Danzig in the opening action of the war and, five years later, flew into the maelstrom of Berlin, landing in parks and on lakes using seaplanes or any other available transport aircraft. This time they were equipped with panzerfausts in an attempt to stave off the avenging Russian armour.They formed at least three divisions and some regular army officers were placed in the units to give them the value of their experience. They frequently fought under their usual officer, so a unit could be led by a Korvettenkapitän or U-Boat commander.They fought in Poland, Narvik, Russia, Dieppe, Arnhem, many of the cut off German garrisoned ports, as well as Holland and Berlin. The Welsh 53rd Division fought them regularly in Holland and found them full of fight, giving them the nickname of the "Blue Devils".Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
27,00 €*
King Tiger
The Königstiger (officially named the Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B or Sd.kfz 182) more commonly known as the ‘King Tiger’ or ‘Royal Tiger’ by Allied troops, was a development of the fearsome Tiger I tank. Its introduction to hostilities in 1944 caused significant problems for the Allies but ultimately it saw action too late and in tew fewer numbers to have a game-changing impact on the war.Packed with stunning detail as you would expect from an Italeri kit, this box contains:One 1/56th scale hard plastic King Tiger heavy tank with options to build either the Henschel turret or the Porsche turret.A detailed German tank commander.A thorough and well-explained colour assembly and painting guide.Full-colour waterslide decals.A set of vehicle damage markers.Bolt Action stat cards, ideal for quick referencing.Deployed on both the Western and Eastern fronts, the King Tiger’s long 8.8cm gun had enormous operational accuracy with the ability to knock out any Allied tank frontally at ranges exceeding 2.5 kilometres (1.6 miles), way beyond the effective range of any Allied tank gun.Two turret designs were produced with Porsche and Henschel competing for the contract. As the first Henschel chassis rolled off the production line, only the turret originally destined for the rejected Porsche project were available. Fifty Porsche turrets were mounted to Henschel’s hull and used in action until the Henschel turret variant became available.The first combat use of the King Tiger was during the battles in Normandy by 503rd Heavy Panzer Battalion (s.H.Pz.Abt.503), opposing Operation Atlantic between Troarn and Demouville on 18 July 1944. On the Eastern front, its combat debut came on the 12th August 1944 by the 501st Heavy Panzer Battalion (s.H.Pz.Abt.501) resisting the Lvov–Sandomierz Offensive, where it attacked the Soviet bridgehead over the Vistula River near Baranów Sandomierski.Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
32,00 €*
Waffen SS Flamethrower, Sniper & Panzerschreck
Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
13,50 €*
Afrika Korps 5cm PaK 38 Anti Tank Gun
This artillery piece is supplied with a laser-cut oval MDF base (100mm x 80mm) - only available through this webstore. You can now base your complete gun and crew together, making attractive mini-dioramas!Pack contains 1 metal gun and 3 metal crew miniaturesNote: Models supplied unassembled and unpaintedScale: 28mm - 1/56th1 Artillery Piece/War Machine3 CrewMetal
19,00 €*
Luftwaffe Field Division 88mm Flak 37
Originally developed as an anti-aircraft weapon, the Flak 37 8.8cm (or Eighty-eight as it became known by Allied troops) had a high muzzle velocity to allow it to reach the higher ranges modern bombers were capable of at the time. This would make it an exceptionally deadly anti-tank weapon as many Allied tank crews would learn to their peril. The 88 could also be deployed as a conventional artillery piece – as one infantryman noted, the 88 was 'anti-everything'...Capable of firing in extremis whilst still attached to its wheeled carriages (although with limited traverse or elevation), the 88 could be fully deployed onto its cruciform firing platform and ready to fire in around two and a half minutes.Many 88s were fitted with a large gunshield although there were many examples of this being dispensed with. Being such a large and heavy weapon it could only be towed by larger prime movers such as the Sd.Kfz 7 halftrack.The 88 saw service during the Spanish Civil War as well as on all fronts in which the Germans fought during WWII. Capable of penetrating armour plate up to 108mm thick at ranges of up to 1,100 yards, the 88’s fearsome reputation grew immensely during its service in the Western Desert where it was one of the very few weapons capable of dealing with the British Matilda II infantry tanks. A similar scenario unfolded on the Eastern Front as the 88 was among the rare weapons able to tackle the new Soviet heavy KV tanks.The Flak 37 was the final production iteration of the 88, almost identical to the Flak 36 bar the updated instruments allowing for a greater level of autonomy in fire control.This Flak 37 kit is supplied with 8.8cm shells and shell cases and can be built to both traverse and elevate - neither enemy armour nor aircraft will be safe!Contains:One 1/56 scale hard plastic WWII 8.8cm Flak 37 dual-purpose AA/AT gun7 metal Luftwaffe crewBolt Action stat cardFull-colour waterslide decal sheetConstruction leafletModels supplied unassembled and unpainted
29,40 €*
German Pioneers
Germany Assault Pioniers were skilled at building all manner of fortifications, communications lines, tank traps and minefields. In addition to building useful structures, they were adept at the destruction of similar enemy positions, blowing railway lines and making roads unsafe for the enemy to travel along.As the German quest for global superiority stalled and finally crashed down around them, the pioniers were tasked with the vital job of slowing the Allied advance, be it by booby trap, minefield, blown bridges, or taking the fight directly to the enemy.Often overlooked in favour of the dashing panzers or elite Waffen-SS troops, the pioniers were the unsung heroes of the German military machine and you can now field them on the battlefield with these superbly equipped miniatures! Within this boxed set you'll find flamethrowers, demolition charges, anti-tank rifle, mine detector, assault pistols, engineers packs and much more besides!German Pioniers contains:Enough plastic and metal components to make 31 German Pionier miniatures. Includes a host of options to allow for different weapon configurations and command models.Equipment included: Flammenwerfer 35 flamethrower, Wien 41 Mine Detector, Geballte Ladung anti-tank grenade, GrB-39 grenade launcher, Goliath tracked mine, wirecutters, stick grenade bandoliers, Demolition charges, Sturmpistole, Tellermines, engineers backpacks, PPSh SMG, Kar 98K rifle, MP38/MP40 sub-machine gun, Luger pistol, MG34 light machine gun, Kar 98K with attached bayonet, stick grenades, scoped Kar 98K rifle.Round plastic bases (25mm diameter).Construction leaflet.Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
43,50 €*
German Grenadiers
The German soldier was a formidable opponent in World War II. Tough, well-trained and politically indoctrinated they fought on all fronts achieving great feats of arms that only the best trained and motivated troops can accomplish. Daring in attack and stubborn in defence the average German Landser was a dangerous foe for the Allied armies to face.Well led from the highest command right through to the infantry squad, the German soldier fought on against overwhelming odds right to the last days of the war, delivering punishing counterattacks when least expected.These superbly sculpted plastic miniatures allow you to field squads of German landsers dressed in late war M44 tunics, camouflage zeltbahn poncho, etc. They can be equipped with a wide variety of some of the best weaponry available to any army of the war - from the deadly STG44 assault rifle to the tankbusting panzerfaust!German Grenadiers contains:Enough plastic components to make 30 late war German Army miniatures. Includes a host of options to allow for different weapon configurations and command models.Equipment included: STG44 assault rifle, PPSh SMG, Kar 98K rifle, MG42 light machine gun, rifle grenade attachment, MP40 sub-machine gun,Kar 98K rifle, Gewehr 43 rifle, stick grenades, Panzerfaust, field glasses and even an Iron Cross medal!Round plastic bases (25mm diameter).Construction leaflet.Full-colour waterslide decals.Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
37,50 €*
Sd.Kfz 251/2 Ausf D (8cm Granatwerfer) Half Track
From the early stages of World War II, the German army began to equip their Panzergrenadiers with armoured half-tracks that would support their panzers in action. They developed the excellent Sd.Kfz 251 series, made by Hanomag, and steadily produced them in their thousands, with over twenty versions seeing service in most theatres of the war.One of the most useful variants was the 8cm Granatwerfer – a version of the Hanomag carrying the standard infantry mortar. The mortar could be moved around the battlefield quickly and in reasonable safety, its armour shrugging off most infantry weapons and shrapnel. The mortar was most commonly removed from the half-track to engage the enemy, however, in extremis, it could fire from the safety of the vehicle.A full load of 66 rounds of 81mm mortar rounds were carried, with more shells available from supply trucks or towed trailers.This model represents the 251/2 Ausf D version of the vehicle (it had a simplified armour shape from the earlier Ausf C, particularly obvious was the sloped rear Armour) that was in use from 1943 onwards in most theatres. This variant featured a forward-facing 81mm mortar in the rear, tactically spot on for attacking and moving position frequently. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
26,00 €*