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The Order of the Sealed Temple

46,80 €*

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Produktnummer: 2100000106677
Produktinformationen "The Order of the Sealed Temple"

Despite its long evolution from a ancient infantry legion into the order of mounted knights the world sees today, the Order of the Sealed Temple has never wavered from its mandate to protect its charges from a hostile world. More worldly and politically i

3 Premium Cavalry models per pack Includes Command expansion and regiment stands, assembly guides and 1 Command Card.

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- 21.97%
Armsmaster (Officer)
A Noble Lord on foot, surrounded by his loyal Household Guard, is a force to be reckoned with. A trained Noble Lord on foot, surrounded by his loyal Household Guard as they are led by his loyal Armsmaster is something to behold.1 Resin Miniature, 1 x 27mm plastic base, 1 PB Info Card, an offensive addition to their Noble Lords and the Houshold Guard
19,50 €* 24,99 €* (21.97% vom UVP gespart)
- 21.97%
Army Support Pack W4
This Hundred Kingdoms Army Support Pack set includes new Command Cards, Secret Objective Cards as well as all new, individually illustrated, Spell and Incantation Cards as available to the casters of each faction to serve as memory aids, plus special TLAOK and First Blood Scenario cards uniquely used in each game play style. All of these cards are contained within a beautifully illustrated Hundred Kingdoms themed deck box to allow players to keep all of the cards needed to play Conquest in a single, easy to access container. 
23,40 €* 29,99 €* (21.97% vom UVP gespart)
- 21.97%
Chapter Mage
The Chapter Mages of the Hundred Kingdoms have long been a powerful political tool, their magics more suited to the civilized environment of the court rooms and balls, than the raw elemental puissance demanded on the battlefield. Be one a noble, a bishop or a merchant, keeping a Chapter Mage in one’s retinue is proof of power and influence. Many have wondered why Chapter Mages, long considered amongst the most innovative and creative practitioners of this Art, only rarely become more of a political power within the Hundred Kingdoms as individuals or even organized institutions. The imbalanced soul, however, repuired by practitioners, often manifests as an excessive or compulsive mind and so the very source of a Chapter Mage’s power becomes the halt of their social and political success. The stories of temperamental and impulsive pyromancers, distracted and impatient Aeolomancers or plodding, obsessive Geomancers is not a cultural cliché: their esoteric obsessions and proclivities are manifestations of their own imbalanced souls, and isolate them from mundane society, almost invariably turning them into pariahs or recluses. This necessary imbalance, made manifest in young human Gifted, is what drives them to turn to the Chapters, chartered schools funded by the Imperial Court for the identification, protection and control of the Gifted population of the Empire. These Charters have characteristics as diverse as the individuals who congregate there: The pool of Stillness caters mainly to Geomancers and Hydromancers, but also to Aeolomancers seeking to still their unpuiet souls. The Gates of Fire, considered to be the foremost battle-mage training ground, attracts mostly pyromancers, but many an Aeolomancer and Hydromancer have found solace in its strict regimes. Chapter schools, however, do not represent the only place a Gifted student could hope to master the Art. The Churches are also aggressive recruiters of those they claim possess the ‘divine spark’, their aggressive, sometimes predatory, recruiting strategies making them natural enemy of the Chapters and its practitioners. Even beyond these two redoubtable institutions there are other, less conspicuous, places where one might get trained, if they possess the necessary will and aptitudes…1 Resin Miniature, 1 x 27mm plastic base, 1 Command Card, bring magic to your Kingdom's side
19,50 €* 24,99 €* (21.97% vom UVP gespart)
- 21.98%
Conquest Cloth Map of Alektria, the first continent of EÄ
This map contains the most detailed map of the continent of Alektria in the world of EÄ to date. Covering everything from the Weaver Courts to the west and the Old Dominion to the east and from the frozen land of Mannheim to the sun-drenched lands of the City States.. This map pack depicts the lands of EÄ allowing you to plan your campaigns in exquisite detail. All on cloth, ready to be hung, used on a table or even as a small blanket.Map of Alektria, the first continent of EÄ 80x120cm (31.5" x 48") on Cloth, stitched outside for border strength
31,20 €* 39,99 €* (21.98% vom UVP gespart)
- 21.95%
Conquest Logo on Red and Black Dice "First Blood"
These contain a mixture of red swirled with deep blacks and inlaid with an easily readable red; resin 16mm dice, the perfect dice for First Blood. The Conquest symbols are on the ONE side. Yes, the ONE side. Officially Licensed Conquest DicePackage of 25 Conquest 16MM Six Sided Resin Dice - sell as a pack or in bulk
25,75 €* 32,99 €* (21.95% vom UVP gespart)
- 21.97%
Drillmaster (Officer)
The training regime of the Steel Legion is as legendary as the unit itself. Those who have failed it speak with the harshest words to describe it, recounting drills and abuses, both physical and mental, and pressure that are hard to believe. Be such claims true or not, one thing is certain: every single man and woman of the Steel Legion has gone through it and their effectiveness on the field is undeniable, while their performance under the harshest of circumstances unfaltering. While the worth of each of the Legionnaires is unquestioned, an observant eye can see the source of their performance; for in the presence of their Drillmasters, the Legion’s fervor and aggression is unstoppable. After all, it only makes sense for one to perform better when someone screams at one’s ear during combat, asking what one’s major malfunction is.1 Resin Miniature, 1 x 27mm plastic base, 1 PB Info Card, designed to boost your Steel Legion
19,50 €* 24,99 €* (21.97% vom UVP gespart)
- 21.97%
Errant of the Order of the Shield (Officer)
During the early reign of the Hundred Kingdoms, the Order of the Shield took it upon itself to protect man from its most dangerous predators. Eschewing the combat formations of their predecessors, the Order of the Shield traveled the lands alone and sought to alleviate suffering where they could. The Emperor elevated their Order to the rank of Imperial Magistrates, allowing the Errant Knights of the Shield to work as judge, jury and executioner against all but the most powerful of noble houses. This did not endear them to the nobility, and when the last Emperor died one of their first moves was to seek out and destroy any members of this ancient order. Today they are few and far in between but continue their thankless task of protecting the citizens and peasants of the 100 Kingdoms against all those who would prey upon them, especially the nobility itself. 
19,50 €* 24,99 €* (21.97% vom UVP gespart)
- 21.98%
Gilded Legions / Household Guards
The recruitment standards of the Gilded Legion today are even stricter than those of the Steel Legion. Each candidate must be able to prove ten years of prior service in an armed and active unit. In addition, one must present two recommendation letters, at least one of which must be from a recognized imperial servant of the rank of Lictor and above, which provide assurances  of the individual’s loyalty, skill and character. Once a prospective candidate’s credentials have been accepted, he must then endure the Ordeal, a fitness regime based on the Agoge practiced in the City States, one of the most ruthless training processes ever devised by man. While the hearts of the people would never be won despite the legion’s restructuring, what once was hatred and loathing, has turned into fearful contempt. In the end, Gilded Legionnaires care little. Sharing common living grounds, their families befriending each other, their children growing together, the Gilded Legion has become more than a choice, for many. It is a tradition and a way of life, the bonds between its members as lasting and loyal as their dedication to their work. Following these reforms, the Gilded Legion became a powerful tool in the hands of the Chamberlain, ensuring the sanctity and safety of the Imperial Mint, the most influential Imperial institution under his control. Loath to waste such a valuable resource on petty spuabbles, the Gilded Legion cannot be hired out as mere mercenaries and remains committed to its guard and garrison duties. Their presence on the battlefield means the Chamberlain himself has a vested interest in the outcome, a proposition almost as disheartening as facing these professional killers on the field.12 models per pack Includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 iCard. (Dual Kit with Household Knights)
31,20 €* 39,99 €* (21.98% vom UVP gespart)
- 22.18%
Household Knights
Following the sweeping reforms of Charles Armatellum at the onset of his Conquests, the ceremony of dubbing can only be performed by an Imperial noble of at least the rank of Margrave or Count palatine. The anointment, moreover, can only take place after a battle in which the prospective knight has blooded his blade. These mandates were established to ensure that only men of true prowess earned the rank of Knight. Even with the Empire dissolved, those mandates are well preserved traditions and those who ignore them meet ridicule. In fact, a recurring article presented in the Imperial Conclaves is the appointment of Counts palatine, to replace those who may have fallen in battle or died of old age. The massed charge of Household Knights is one of the most powerful weapons at the disposal of a Hundred Kingdoms commander. Hundreds of pounds of obdurate metal and muscle, forged through years of training and experience, they have shattered men, formations, and kingdoms throughout the ages.3 models per pack Includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 iCard.
38,90 €* 49,99 €* (22.18% vom UVP gespart)
- 21.95%
Hundred Kingdom Faction Dice on Red swirl Dice
Ready the Men, we go to war! These contain a mixture of vibrant yellows swirled with feudal reds and inlaid with an unmistakable pale blue; resin 16mm dice. The symbols are on the ONE side. Yes, the ONE side. Officially Licensed Hundred Kingdoms Conquest Dice
25,75 €* 32,99 €* (21.95% vom UVP gespart)
- 21.97%
Hundred Kingdoms: Army Support Pack W5
This Hundred Kingdoms Army Support Pack set includes 22 Command Cards, Secret Objective Cards as well as all new, individually illustrated, Spell and Incantation Cards as available to the casters of each faction to serve as memory aids, plus special TLAOK and First Blood Scenario cards uniquely used in each game play style. Two new spell cards included are for Anti Magic and Auto Hits without a rolling requirement. All of these cards are contained within a beautifully illustrated Hundred Kingdoms themed deck box to allow players to keep all of the cards needed to play Conquest in a single, easy to access container.New for 2024 - 22 Command Cards, 10 Objective Cards, 15 Spell Cards , 7 Incantation Cards, 12 TLAoK Scenario Cards, 12 FB Scenario Cards and a custom Hundred Kingdoms Deck Box
23,40 €* 29,99 €* (21.97% vom UVP gespart)

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Hundred Kingdoms: Gilded Legions
The recruitment standards of the Gilded Legion today are even stricter than those of the Steel Legion. Each candidate must be able to prove ten years of prior service in an armed and active unit. In addition, one must present two recommendation letters, at least one of which must be from a recognized imperial servant of the rank of Lictor and above, which provide assurances  of the individual’s loyalty, skill and character. Once a prospective candidate’s credentials have been accepted, he must then endure the Ordeal, a fitness regime based on the Agoge practiced in the City States, one of the most ruthless training processes ever devised by man. While the hearts of the people would never be won despite the legion’s restructuring, what once was hatred and loathing, has turned into fearful contempt. In the end, Gilded Legionnaires care little. Sharing common living grounds, their families befriending each other, their children growing together, the Gilded Legion has become more than a choice, for many. It is a tradition and a way of life, the bonds between its members as lasting and loyal as their dedication to their work. Following these reforms, the Gilded Legion became a powerful tool in the hands of the Chamberlain, ensuring the sanctity and safety of the Imperial Mint, the most influential Imperial institution under his control. Loath to waste such a valuable resource on petty spuabbles, the Gilded Legion cannot be hired out as mere mercenaries and remains committed to its guard and garrison duties. Their presence on the battlefield means the Chamberlain himself has a vested interest in the outcome, a proposition almost as disheartening as facing these professional killers on the field.
23,40 €*

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Conquest - TLAOK Stammtisch
Die Zahlung der Teilnahmegebühr erlaubt es dir an unserem Conquest TLAOK-Stammtisch teilzunehmen.Wir stellen an dem genannten Datum ab 17:00 3 Spieltische, inklusive Spielmatten und Gelände für euch auf. Eine Erstattung der Gebühr ist nur bis zu 24 Stunden vor dem Event möglich.Solltest du an dem Tag vor Ort sein und keinen Mitspieler finden, erstatten wir dir natürlich auch dann die Gebühr!
3,00 €*